Ron Edwards
Matt Ingram
Marion Padgett
Kent Smith
Terry Walker
John Patterson
Ron Edwards is a native of Eastern North Carolina. He served as an air traffic controller in the Air Force from 1962-66. After departing the service, he spent six years in retail management. He then attended Sunset International Bible Institute graduating in July 1974. After his graduation, he served with a four-family domestic mission team in Sharon, Pa from July 74 - December 78. He then moved to Kinston, North Carolina, where he served as preacher from January 79 - June 82. His next effort was serving as missionary and teacher in the Trinidad School of Preaching and Teaching until June 1985. Following his return from Trinidad, he became the preacher of Roosevelt Drive Church of Christ on August 1st 1985, where he continues to serve as both preacher and elder. Because of his continuing love for World Evangelism, Mission Work, and Spiritual Education, he has been privileged to make many short-term teaching and mission trips to Trinidad Tobago, Honduras, St. Croix Virgin Islands, and Athens, Greece. He appreciates the opportunities that the Roosevelt Drive congregation has to serve both the military and civilian communities. His life continues to be spiritually blessed by serving with a congregation with its eyes and its heart on World Evangelism, Benevolence, Spiritual Growth and Fellowship.
Description text about Matt Ingram goes here
Description text about Marion Padgett goes here
Description about Kent Smith goes here
A biography about Terry will be here at some point. Hopefully.
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