Robin Vick
Jim Bender
Robin is a follower of Jesus; he’s a lover of God, his family, spending time outdoors, and of coffee. In that order mostly, but he’s thankful for grace when his priorities get switched.
Robin was born in Edinburgh, Scotland and later raised in Stirling, Scotland when his family moved there to establish a new congregation as part of a mission team in 1990. He graduated from Harding University in 2003 with a BBS in Marketing, and it was at Harding where he met his wife, Chrissy. After a few years working towards a career in their fields of study they found a shared passion for ministry, which led them to Sunset International Bible Institute, where they both graduated from the ministry training program in 2009.
In 2010, they returned to the UK as part of a mission team to form a new congregation in Falkirk, Scotland, where they served the newly established congregation for 11 years, until their return to the US in 2021.
Robin, Chrissy, and their children Millie, and Murray have been serving the Roosevelt Drive congregation since August 2022. They continue to be encouraged as they work alongside the saints at Roosevelt Drive to share the love of Jesus with those they come in contact with.
James was born and raised in Canton, Ohio. From 1976 to 1977, he attended the University of Akron. He then transferred to the United States Naval Academy, where he graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Operations Analysis, and a commission as a 2ndLt in the U.S. Marine Corps. Following his commissioning in 1981, he was designated a Naval Aviator Rotary Wing (Helicopter Pilot); CH-53E Super Stallion Aircraft. A veteran of Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, he continued to serve in the Marine Corps until 1991. From 1991 to 1994, James became a student preacher at Sunset School of Preaching. Following graduation, he became a church planter, minister, and evangelist in San Diego, CA. In 2006, he began to serve as the Involvement Minister for the Roosevelt Drive church of Christ, where he continues to serve today.